World Federation of Power Leaders WFPL



FOPAH : Fairness of Opportunity & Fairness of Process Action Headquarters



FOPAH : Fairness of Opportunity & Fairness of Process Action Headquarters


Fairness of Opportunity & Fairness of Process Action Headquarters (FOPAH) is a politically neutral,  non-profit organization established for the purpose of pursuing the public good and the public interests, as an alliance of groups, Fairness of Opportunity & Fairness of Process Action Headquarters belonging to WORLD PRESS ASSOCIATION (WPA), which is expelling the 'Fake News and the Unfair Media Policy’ that makes our society sick, and is committed to protecting the 'True Fairness and the Value of Justice' for the future of Korea through the action of the ‘Fairness of opportunity & Fairness of Process’.








FOPAH is aimed at correcting the various ills of our society and protecting 'True Fair and the Value of Justice’, Incorrect 'fairness' and 'justice' problems that only a small number of people enjoy by contributing to the establishment of a healthy media and ecological environment in which any Korean citizen can acquire true information without distortion through 'Fake News Expulsion' and 'Unfair Media Policy Expulsion’ that make human nature sick, put our community at risk, and harm our healthy development for the future of Korea through the action of the ‘Fairness of Opportunity & Fairness of the Process’.







Requirements and Qualifications to Join the Opportunity Fair Practice Alliance (FOPAH)



The Opportunity Fair Action Coalition (FOPAH) is a coalition of groups, established for the purpose of pursuing the public good and the public good, which is a politically neutral, non-profit organization. Therefore, a group willing to join the alliance should be the one which agrees with the purpose. (Individuals are not permitted)






Organization of Opportunity Fair Practice (FOPAH)



WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS, LEE SAN-HA, CEO OF WFPL / HANSIN B/D 1105, 12 MAPO-DAERO,MAPOGU, SEOUL, KOREA / WORLD PRESS ASSOCIATION(WPA), LEE CHEESOO, CHAIRMAN  / TEL: 02-718-2118 (Main),  02-702-2118, 02-717-2118, 02-717-1118,  FAX: 02- 6442-6118, 서울시 마포구 마포대로 12길, 한신빌딩 1105(공덕동) / 청소년보호책임자: 이황주 e-mail: webmaster@wfple.orgFOR MORE INFORMATION. / © Copyright WFPL All Right Reserved